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"It's Not Easy Being Good"


Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. - John 17:1 7 KJV


Make them holy—consecrated—with the truth; Your word is consecrating truth.

- John 17:17 MSG

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In church we often hear the terms “sanctified,” “holy,”  and “consecrated.”  Often, we feel these terms are out of reach for us to obtain. The world tells us, It’s not easy being good.” We feel staying clean from sin is an unreachable goal. However, John 17:17 lets us know that as believers in Christ we have access to sanctification, holiness, and consecration because Jesus already prayed for them on our behalf.  Sanctification is simply being freed from sin.  Consecration is irrevocable dedication or devotion to worship God.  Holiness is the same total devotion to God.  Then, the question becomes how do we keep ourselves sanctified, consecrated, and holy?  Or how can we remain, free from sin, dedicated and consecrated to God?  Jesus gave the answer in this short prayer from John chapter 17- through God’s Word.  In reading the entire chapter 17, we find that Jesus is making a final plea to God before he leaves this world for those who believe in him.  He points to God’s word as our cleansing truth.  This represents a type of agreement between us and God that if we follow the teaching of His word, He will keep us clean. His word is like a shower to cleanse us from sin.  When we feel tempted to sin (disobey God’s word), we should turn to the Bible.  When we are uncertain of what to do, we should turn to the Bible. The more we know the Bible, the less desire we will have to sin.  Psalm 119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.”  If we are not familiar with the Bible, now is the time to start.  Join a bible study, attend church services  or Sunday School where the bible is emphasized.  Seek a bible teacher or trusted preacher for advice from the scriptures.  Read a daily devotional based on bible verses.  Memorize the verses that you read or hear. Put them into practice during your day. Those verses will come to mind at the exact time that you need them.  That makes being good easy.  You just follow God’s word.   That word promises an added incentive –“glory, honor, and peace to every man that worketh good.” (Romans 2:10)

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